New Employee Training Checklist
To ensure seamless on boarding of a new service advisor and gauge where they are in the timeline of being self sufficient.
After completion of these 30 steps, it should be assumed that regular evaluations based on company procedures will occur.
New Hire Packet completed and understood.Shop Owner
Standard Operating Procedures covered and signed off on. (Access to SOPPro if applicable)Shop Owner
Uniforms ordered.Shop Owner
Shop tour and Staff introductions completed.Shop Owner
Employee Handbook covered and signed. Employee has a copy.Shop Owner
Create a Developement map for training and expectations with a timeline. This should be done with the employee.Shop Owner
Begin point of sale training. Focus should be on Opening and Closing procedures. Basics.Sales Lead
Begin phone skills training. Oil change, Fast Close, and Whenever script will be the focus 1st. This is a maximum of 2 weeks given for training.Sales Lead
30 day evaluation. This must be a factual look at progress to determine continuation of employment and need for review or more investment on the procedures learned to this point. Continue to next step if satisfactory.Shop Owner
Train employee on proper use of the Company Brochure. Include documentation expectations.Sales Lead
Train employee on the use of the Coupon script.Sales Lead
Train the 10 second rule and the why behind it.Sales Lead
Train employee on the New and Loyal customer greeting steps. Include all documentation and procedures applicable.Sales Lead
Point of sale training: New/Loyal intake and delievery and documentaion. Service reminders and other procedures related to begining Staging should be done here as well.Sales Lead
Discuss the company warranty and warranty procedures including documentation expectations.Sales Lead
Teach Staging and all documentaion/procedures that are related.Sales Lead
60 day evaluation. This must be a factual look at progress to determine continuation of employment and need for review or more investment on the procedures learned to this point. Continue to next step if satisfactory.Shop Owner
Train the employee on the inspection process. They must understand the process and how to properly read and interpret. If technical training is needed, complete prior to next step.Sales Lead
Train the employee on the Show and Stare process if applicable.Sales Lead
Train Full disclousure script and process.Sales Lead
Train Full system isolation script and process.Sales Lead
Train 4 C's and proper work order analysis.Sales Lead
Teach Hearing and Reframe triangles. AdvisorPro would be a better option here if possible.Sales Lead
Teach employee how to identify and overcome stalls and objections.Sales Lead
90 day evaluation. Role playing processes are the best approach. Review the weaknesses. Continue to next step if satisfactory.Shop Owner
Teach and ensure they understand weekly billed hours goals as well as tool box meeting procedures.Sales Lead
Teach work order audits.Sales Lead
Teach call audits.Sales Lead
Teach team lead process and procedures if applicable.Sales Lead