Minute Morning Meeting
A hold a SIMPLE 5 minute morning meeting.
To spend no more than 5 minutes quickly recapping the previous day and review the day ahead. What are Performance Automotive’s goals and where are we with them? Minor points of business are also to be reviewed.
Every weekday morning at 7:45 am, inform all staff present at Performance Automotive that a meeting is being held. (Always hold morning meetings at the same time and on schedule.)
Ensure white board is updated with all required information (See White Board SOP if required) and also that Shop Boss is open and running on main shop monitor with Prioritization screen open and updated to the correct day .
Ensure everyone has been gathered at the hours white board
Direct all attention to the white board. Recap yesterdays tech hours and hours sold. Bring attention to end of week goal for tech hours and SA hours. Speak about where we are and where we need to be in relation to the goals.
Recap what our monthly total sales goal $ amount is and where we currently are.
Speak about the shops ARO target number and where we are currently.
Can we do it? YES WE CAN!
Turn attention to the Prioritization monitor and quickly review current day ahead. How much work is booked in, how many appoints do we have and Hours Available vs. Active Work. Ensure to cheer on everyone to complete it all today!
Everyone present is to be asked if they have anything to contribute to meeting. Simple and fast contributions only.
Do not let the meeting get taken over about something that needs a deeper discussion – If required, make time later in the day with right person to discuss or implement discussion.
Did anything positive happen yesterday? Anything we can improve on? Present it to the group and congratulate all involved parties.
Positive ending with everyone off to succeed!