Deferred Work Calls when SA’s are “Slow”
Is to keep the technicians busy with work.
To maximize the amount of hours each technician can produce and to assist in keeping the shop filled with vehicles.
Open Declined vehicle issues and Schedule screen in Shop Boss. Inspect and review the technician load and schedule for the remainder of the week.
Open the Report screen in Shop Boss. Make sure “Reports” is selected in the bottom left corner of the WIP screen. Click on correct heading. Click on Declined Vehicle Issues. Select a good “Date Range” and select “Last Month or whenever”. Right click “Run Report”. Once report has been populated, review it for declined work. .
Make a note of where you started and left off so you or anyone else can make a new list when this list is done.
All of the required and needed information is on the list. Customer contact information and vehicle information. The deferred items and the prices along with the technician who will receive the work.
Call the customer and say “ Hello_(Their Name)_, this is _(Your name)_ from Performance Automotive, is now a good time to speak? Yes, Perfect. I just wanted to call you and talk to you about your vehicle. I noticed you declined ___________ and wanted to make sure that you haven't changed your mind on this. I believe this is needed for you because (list reasons). Let me know your thoughts on this. (Pause) Is now a good time to bring it in or order parts?
(If, no, now is not a good time to speak. ) When would be a good time to call you back? (Make a note and call them back when they gave you a better time to speak)
Book the appointment.
Ensure all work orders, appointments and sold work is properly assigned at all times and that Productivity, Efficiency and Proficiency is always considered.