Code of Conduct Policy

You are expected to treat clients, co-workers and suppliers with the highest possible level of respect and courtesy. All personal contact with clients, co-workers and suppliers should be professional and hospitable. You should display a “client service” attitude at all times.

The following actions and attitudes are examples of behaviour that are considered inappropriate and unacceptable by Performance Automotive. Any employee exhibiting these behaviours will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including warnings, reprimands, suspension or dismissal.

Respect for the Law, Including Company Policies and Procedures

Examples of inappropriate behaviour may include, but are not limited to:

  • Failure to comply with any Codes of Business Conduct and Ethics,

  • Failure to comply with any laws pertaining to the work at Performance Automotive,

  • Failure to comply with Performance Automotive policies and procedures,

  • Failure to comply with any reasonable and lawful instructions given by directors, managers, team leaders and supervisors,

  • Violating Company health and safety procedures, or causing others to do so,

  • Possessing unnecessary or unlicensed weapons of any kind during work hours or while on company property.

Respect for Persons

Examples of inappropriate behaviour may include, but are not limited to:

  • Being disrespectful to clients or co-workers through language or actions that are profane, obscene, threatening or abusive,

  • Exhibiting violent behaviour, either physical or verbal, toward co-workers or clients,

  • Engaging in disorderly conduct, including horseplay,

  • Unlawfully discriminating against co-workers, clients or suppliers,

  • Harassing, humiliating or bullying co-workers, clients or suppliers,

  • Failure to adhere to the clothing standards set forth by Performance Automotive,

  • Attacking and victimising any person who files a report on the breach of this Code of Conduct.


Examples of inappropriate behaviour may include, but are not limited to:

  • Failure to report any conflict of interest, real or perceived,

  • Failure to disclose attempts of bribery or coercion,

  • Disclosure of any official, confidential or proprietary information,

  • Failure to pass a Company drug or alcohol test.


Examples of inappropriate behaviour may include, but are not limited to:

  • Failure to arrive and be ready to work at the designated time,

  • Failure to complete and hand in time cards,

  • Failure to comply with the smoking policy,

  • Wasting time or failing to complete required tasks during work hours,

  • Possessing or being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol during work hours or while on company property,

  • Failure to disclose completion or delays of jobs and projects,

  • Displaying an uncooperative or unproductive attitude,

  • Playing games, making personal calls or using instant messengers during work hours.

Economy and Efficiency

Examples of inappropriate behaviour may include, but are not limited to:

  • Neglecting or abusing equipment belonging to Performance Automotive,

  • Intentionally damaging, destroying or stealing any company property or property belonging to other people, including digital property,

  • Giving misleading or false information in order to obtain a leave of absence,

  • Accruing missed days and unexcused absences from work,

  • Unauthorised use of Performance Automotive property, equipment and resources for personal purposes.

Conflict of Interest

Employees are expected to avoid any relationship, influence, interest or situation which may conflict, or be perceived to conflict, with the best interests of Performance Automotive. Any situation that involves real or perceived conflict of interest must be immediately reported to a manager or immediate supervisor.

Examples of potential conflict of interest may include, but are not limited to:

  • Creating a position of personal gain or having a financial interest in any business transactions at Performance Automotive,

  • Having a significant relationship or financial interest in a Performance Automotive competitor, client or supplier; and

  • Accepting gifts and other compensation, including entertainment, from a Performance Automotive competitor, client or supplier.

If you are in a situation involving real, potential or perceived conflict of interest, you must immediately report the situation to your manager and distance yourself from the situation as well as any votes, discussions or deliberations dealing with the situation.

Insider Trading

It is the responsibility of every Performance Automotive employee to uphold the law and protect the company’s reputation for honesty and ethical business dealings. The reputation of Performance Automotive could be permanently and irreversibly damaged by the inappropriate disclosure of information that affects the price of our stock or the stock of another company. Employees are forbidden from sharing or disclosing any company secrets or insider information that could be labelled as, or perceived as, insider trading.


Performance Automotive does not allow smoking in any part of the workplace. This includes office facilities, job sites, bathrooms, storage areas and within four metres of any entrances to company facilities or properties. This also applies to any car or vehicle that is leased, owned or operated by Performance Automotive.

Performance Automotive does not provide smoking breaks during work hours. You may smoke before work, after work or on unpaid lunch breaks. Do not smoke in any situation where you may be publicly identified as an employee of Performance Automotive. Do not litter the ground with cigarette butts.